About Galápagos

The publicly traded biotech company Galápagos manages all procedural documents in a Document Management System (DMS), which is part of the Beyond-it QMS (Quality Management System). The creation and publication of documents and new versions are fully controlled by using predefined and configurable workflows. The workflows automatically manage the content review, approval, and digital signing of documents. Automatic tracking of validity dates ensures that the documents remain up-to-date.

About Galápagos

Desired solution

The administrative management of documents and training at Galápagos is handled with the quality management solution provided by ABC-Groep. The Learning Management System (LMS), also part of the ABC-Groep QMS, offers each employee a personalized Training Curriculum and Training Record. Based on the roles of an employee, the curriculum is continuously updated automatically. The LMS also facilitates registration for training sessions, complete tracking of enrollments, and administrative support for training sessions. Various types of training are supported, ranging from a Read & Understood of a document to classroom training.

The QMS solution includes a search feature to efficiently retrieve specific documents. Through comprehensive reporting implemented using Microsoft Reporting Services, general overviews as well as development timelines of documents, training costs, etc., are clearly visualized.

