Application development .NET

Sooner or later, you'll need to develop applications to meet the ever-changing business needs. Then comes the question: in which programming language do we want to do this? .NET is a popular programming framework known for its platform independence, object-oriented approach, and extensive library of standard classes and functions. Our .NET experts are ready to tackle your project with enthusiasm, whether at your office or remotely.

Functional analysis

Before our developers start working, the desired functionalities are fully described so that everyone knows which business processes the software will support. This way, it's clear to everyone how the application will function.

Development with the latest technologies

The development team works in an Agile manner with daily scrums so that the development process can be closely monitored. We use the most recent, stable frameworks such as .NET 7 and Angular to successfully complete your software project. Automated processes are used to test the developed software to ensure quality.

Development with the latest technologies

Cloudnative applications

We make use of the latest development techniques so that the developed software is automatically ready for the cloud, regardless of the cloud platform (Azure, AWS, GCP), and runs on all your devices, mobile, tablet, and laptop.

Cloudnative applications

Application management

Regular maintenance and updates are essential for a successful application. Monitoring the performance of the application and resolving any technical issues ensure that the application continues to function optimally and remains relevant to the users. Through our Managed Services team, you can also ask questions about the application after implementation.

Application management

Our partners

Questions about .NET development?
Contact Dave.

Dave Brouwers